Hip Opener/Chest Challenge Flow: Utthita Parsvakonasana

It is important to start this series with hips that are warmed-up.

My favorite hip warm-up: start in Cat/Cow, extend one leg out and to the side. From the same side, thread the needle three times. Repeat other side.

Hip-Opener Challenge: (2 blocks recommended)

Note: there are 3 parts to this series. Part one is Utkatasana series, Part Two is Utthita Parsvakonasna series, and Part Three is Padangusthasana series.

Part 1:


exhale step feet to between hands,


inhale, half-lift,

exhale, fold,


Utkatasana, place one block between knees


Revolved Utkatasana,

remain for a few breaths

repeat second side

exhale, fold forward,

inhale, half-lift,


chatarunga vinyasa flow


Part 2:

inhale, right leg lifts

exhale, sweep to right elbow, hold in perched position,

inhale, three-legged dog, repeat 2x times, last time step to runner's lunge (foot is outside both hands, wide hip angle)

locate block, place to inside of right foot


Utthita Parsvakonasana, supported with block (this is a very low extended side angle)

using hands for support as needed, step back into side plank,


Release into Chatrunga Dandasana vinyasa flow, repeat left side


Part 1: (advance)

exhale step feet to between hands,


inhale, half-lift,

exhale, fold,



Figure-Four, right and left

Chatarunga vinayasa


Part 2: (advance)

repeat three-legged dog/perch

instead of runner's lunge step into low lunge (foot is between hands, knee straight forward)

inhale, Vira Two

exhale, Utthita Parsvakonasana (low to block)

sweep to Vasistasana

chatarunga vinyasa

DD, repeat second side

exhale step feet to between hands,

Part 3: Uttansana, place one block in front and have second block "handy"

inhale, half-lift,

exhale, fold,



Figure-Four right leg cross

hinge forward, elbows to knee/ankle

reach for floor, place left knee onto block

modified toe-stand,

balance self via floor/blocks into toe-stand


release to tadasana with an inhale

exhale, Utkatasana, repeat left side cross

release to tadasana with an inhale

chataraunga vinyasa flow to DD.

let me know if you have questions ;D

**Challenge Options**
Binding the Extended Side Angle
Scissoring the Side Plank
Flying Crow Pose before the Toe-stand


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