Crossbones: Yo-ho! The history of the Jolly Roger, a Pirate story.
The ominous skull and crossbones has a much deeper past than being a warning sign that "thar be pirates aboard." Sumeria and Egypt The skull and cross bones is no other than a morphology of the Chi-Rho (Labarum). The Chi-Rho however goes back as far as 2500BC Sumeria as a combination of the two sun symbols . The Sun God and the ascension of the Conquering King. Chi for the Great Fire (Sun) and Rho for the Pater (Father). The term labarum (chi-rho) yields everlasting Father & Sun . It is not a great leap to see from Sumeria/Meopotamia; the belief in Re, the Sun God, Horus, the son of Re and the Ka, man, ruler, god, father; the earthly representative of the God. Enter the idol King Tutankhamen ; buried under the crook and flail ; the herdsman of humanity. KaRe. Chi-Rho. XP. The Oracle of God is mummified and entombed as the good Shepard of his Flock. Therefore, Chi Rho ☧ comes from early Egyptian Sun-God beliefs and further reinforcement of Greek Pagan sym