Dhatu Agni Yoga Sequence
Dhatu Yoga Sequence There are seven levels of Dhatu Agni: the healing fire of health. As we fire-up our Dhatu our body will produce a microchil of Ojas: Ahararasa. A sweet drop of protoplasmic honey-type substance found in the heart. When sattvic practices are introduce into our lives, the seven layers of our body take time to regenerate healthier tissue, layer upon layer. Each layer of Ahararasa requires 5 days of tissue rebirth. 7 layers and 5 days for a sum total of 35 days for each drop of precious Ojas. Think of it as a drop of essential oil mixing into the lubricating carrier oil of our body. A little goes a long way and with healthful practices we develop more and more Ojas. The spiritual fountain of youth. This practice should be done everyday for 35 days, as time goes by, you will notice the practice gets easier and easier and concurrently deeper and deeper as you transform over the 35 days. Level One: Rasa is our plasma, lymph, blood vessels and tendons...