Driving, Romans, Vikings and fire.
Stay on the left side. Keep your front right corner on the middle lane stripes, never stop in a roundabout. But nobody told me how to approach a roundabout when you need to take a third exit. I have to say, the Scots are nice people, respectful, convivial and even a little tolerant, esp when I had to go around again, or cut them off to get over. (The English...not so much.) Only 4 honks over 370 miles and a few turnabouts due to not wanting to cut someone off and having to turn around. My poor daughter bore the brunt of my self-vexation, I had to explain that I wasn't mad at her as she also had to learn-by-fire how to navigate. This experience should make her an excellent driver. On route to the airport to pick up the rental car, the taxi-driver asked "Can I give you a suggestion for driving on the left?" "Yeh, of course." "Switch you watch to your other wrist." "Cheers!" Best advice so far this trip. I totally bungle the S...