
Showing posts from July, 2021

The Beautiful Lie, Human Beauty & Oscar Wilde

“life imitates art far more than art imitates life” ~Oscar Wilde The Beautiful Lie I recently came across Oscar Wilde’s famous argument in the “Decay of Lying,” his belief “life imitates art far more than art imitates life” (Wilde n.d). I gathered from Wilde that what humans perceive as beautiful consummates life -- the sensual beauty of experience. I have been thinking about this Socratic dialogue, and its influence on me in reading Jane Hirshfield’s “Poetry, Permeability, and Healing.” One can surmise that beauty is “held in the eye of the beholder.” Wilde contends that all art is a lie, a perfected facsimile of nature; arguing an inverse relationship -- art as the original experience to natural beauty. Albert Goldbarth describes this effect in his poem “Human Beauty.” Art, poetry, life occurs when we mutually agree to acknowledge “what it was a praise of” (Goldbarth, 2004). The perception of art becomes integrated with the human experience; our experience determines our perception o...

A Day in Santa Fe

Wow! It has been a long time since I blogged about a trip. F'ing Covid.  Ghost Ranch Corral It's not that I haven't travelled, I have travelled, but all for necessary things. From Corvallis, to Boise, to Logan, to Salt Lake City to Home. All in an effort to bring home my eldest from OSU, and show my middle possible colleges of the West. My middle wants to be west of the Continental Divide (maybe Front Range -- if she must) and she has always loved horses; however, she never became a proper cowgirl -- likely because her father is an L.A. city slicker. But, she is not ruling out the opportunity to meet a handsome young cowboy (or Aggie as the case may prove to be). More importantly, she wants to find her inner history-buff, education slinging, surfing, cowgirl. Drive-by Campus Tours Marcy Street What I didn't do is blog about my trips, because they were not American sightseeing tours. I failed to take the time to appreciate the Great Basin wonders. It wasn't play tim...