
Showing posts from February, 2012

Humble Warrior, Half-Moon Flow

DD inhale right leg lift exhale sweep to low lunge inhale Vira 1 exhale interlace hands behind back inhale lift heart exhale humble warrior  - Baddha Virabhadrasana inhale vira 1 exhale vira 2 inhale transition weight into right leg exhale half moon - Ardha Chandrasana breath and perfect half-moon (advance add revolved half-moon - parivrtta ardha chandrasana) inhale release to crescent lunge exhale vira 2 inhale reverse warrior - viparita vira wind-mill to chaturanga dandasana vinyasa DD and repeat left side

Dekasana/Chandrasana Yoga Flow Series - Adv.

Down Dog step feet to hands inhale half lift exhale - uttanasana inhale - utkatasana exhale - airplane/ dekasana (start with right leg as foundation) inhale - cresent lunge/ chandrasana exhale - revolved chandrasana (elbow to knee twist) inhale - Vira 2 exhale - extended side angle/ Utthita Parsvakonasana inhale - reverse Vira exhale - windmill down to chautaranga dandasana vinyasa Down Dog Repeat with left leg as foundation This series inspired by Trista. Enjoy!