Meditation of the Heart: Hum Sah Mantra Script

Hum Sah Mantra and Heart Meditation

All mantra’s are thought to be experienced like four levels to a ladder, whereas each higher rung is wider and stronger. The first rung is known as the vaikhari and represents the articulated mantra. In this level we feel distinct from the mantra. I described this as the ever typing monkeys. This level of mantra is calmer than agitated monkeys but definitely not quiet like well-behaved monkeys. This rung is articulated vibration. 

The next rung up is the sound of the mantra known as madhyama. In the case of hum sah it is the literal sound of the breath. The hum of the inhale through the throat and the sah of the exhale through the throat. This is a more astral plane experienced in the throat. Here one is aware of the literal words but now also can feel the sound of the mantra. This rung is now 1000x wider than the rung below. 

There are two more rungs, each 1000x wider than the one below. The heart level is known as pashyanti, this level is described as a constant stream of vibration with a focus in the region of the physical heart. This is where a clear flow of Shakti is manifested. After this level is the navel rung known as paravani, this is the transcendental level and beyond the scope of today’s discussion. 

Nonetheless, today’s practice will focus on the consciousness of the heart. In our chest we find our physical heart and also our subtle heart. This is known as the anahata chakra. This is the seat of our Inner Self. By opening the heart, we open a channel to experience Shiva consciousness. I also invite your use of the Hum Sah mantra at any level of vibrational experience. 

Please take a comfortable meditation seat. 
Come to an awareness of the breath. 
Witness the arena of your heart. Sit without judgement, absorb the space and let all mental activity dissolve. 

Place your hands on your knees, scan your body for tensions and imagine those areas releasing. Even if you are unable to release these areas with your physical body still imagine the release by your thoughts, by your subtle body. Now bring your thoughts to the center of your chest. Concentrate on the sensations at your heart. Just observe. If you catch your mind creating a new story, return to only the sensations around your heart. Breath and return to your heart. 

As you witness your subtle heart, listen to these wise words from the Upanishad’s: The Self is hidden in the lotus of the heart....Established in peace...rise above body-consciousness to the supreme light of the Self. Immortal, free from fear....Those who know this live day after day in bliss in this very life. ~Chandogya Upanishad, Translated by E. Easwaran (Petalume, CA: Niligiri Press, 1987). 

From here, plant the seeds for meditating from the lotus of your heart. Visualize a lotus flower inside your anahata region. Your lotus can be of any color you choose. Imagine first the bud of the flower, tightly wrapped. As you inhale (the hum) see your petals gently open, peeling away one from another, unfurl the virtues within. And as you exhale (the sah) expand your heart, blossom with open intentions, illuminate your heart. 

If distracting thoughts invade your moments, inhale, and imagine the supreme light drawing down from above, through the crown of your head, warming your lotus, opening another petal. Exhale, imagine, from the tip of your petals, a small drop of dew, a single drop falls and recedes behind the flower, expanding into the universe. 

Refocus your meditation back to the Hum, back to the Sah. Back to the light and back to the expanse. Inhale, I am, Hum, Exhale, That, Sah, Hum, Sah, Dwell inside the lotus of Your Heart, I am That, I am the Universe, I am the Light, I am the Expanse. 
