Ganesh Mantra Yoga Mandala, Asana Vinyasa Series, Remover of Obstacles

I would say this is one of my most technically advanced series. Feel free to email with questions. 

Start and end class with a recital of the Ganesh Mantra. (Suggested 9x)

Vinyasa Series: - you will want a block at the front and another at back of the mat.

Down-dog to Utkatasana

Inhale: Utkatasana (hands above head)

Exhale: Hands to heart

Inhale: Lengthen Spine with hands at prayer in Utkatasana

Exhale: Step back with left foot into Crescent Lunge

Inhale: Arms above head

Exhale: Vira II

Inhale: Launch forward into Ardha Chandrasana (use block as needed) 

Full Breath Cycle

Exhale: left hand comes to mat, squared hips for Toppling Tree

Inhale & Exhale: revolve toppling tree to the left 90º, at same time rotate right foot  with body

Inhale: Standing Splits

Full Breath Cycle

Exhale: wrap left foot behind and sit down into Ardha Matsyendrasana

Give this pose some breathing love.

Inhale: Rise (challenge to come up without hands touching floor) 

Exhale: Vira II to the back of the room. (Left foot lead)

Inhale: Revolved, Reverse Warrior (Left hand to sacrum, Right hand reverses, Warriror II legs)

Exhale: Windmill down for Chaturanga Vinyasa.

To make this a Mandala, repeat with the exact same side. Then repeat with Right Foot Stepping back from Utkatasana

To make this a half Mandala, from DD, step to Utkatasana, then crescent with right leg when facing back of room. 

I also like to add:

Half Pigeon
Half Mermaid
Camel, Z-pose, Camel

-to this practice
